1. Create a Goal. Its behavior, not time that we are managing! Time management is actually personal management. Time happens, it’s how we interact with time, that’s what we are managing.
2. Make a Plan for the management of your time.. Know where you are going and then create a roadmap. It’s a good Idea to create your roadmap with destination as the first step and then work backward. Lay-ups at time or 8 counts..
3. Track your daily activities for a week to discover where you are a time waster and trim those minute back. Once we trim the fat we can get to the beef..
4. Use the tools that are available on in the world of the computer geek. Use those helpful time management apps to help you to keep track! Here’s a few great ones. Productive- The Habit Tracker, ATracker Time Tracker, Calendars By Readdle, Time Break- Time Management App, Flat Tomato. These are all available on the app store on Itunes.
5. Prioritize Daily, first thing in the morning, make a list and then set a order. Most important to least and all the tasks in between..
6. Delegate! Sometime we cant do it all by ourselves. Especially if we are managing and working with others. When we delegate we lighten our personal load. Make friends and get lots more accomplished.
7. Establish a routine for your day or a pattern to follow. Bst example is like a class schedule and set time limits for each task like a school sets time limits for the classes it teaches. If you don’t complete your task in day one move it to day 2 and so on..
8. Be sure you are organized. Organize your computer so you can find everything easily. Make lists!
9. Don’t put off what can be done today until. Do it Now or “If not now when!
10. Go back to the beginning and start again. Work the system! There will always be things to do. No Overwhelm. Put all your activities in the flow and start again..